The Rebbe will be in the Pico-Robertson area on May 17-18 and will receive visitors in the Anshe Emes Beis Midrash. Details about the Rebbe’s visit to Los Angeles inside.
Community Chometz Burning – Monday April 18
Biyur Chometz Flyer 7:30am to 11am. At the city parking lot east of B’nai David-Judea, 8906 W. Pico. PARKING LOT CLOSED TO VEHICLES.
Rabbi Yehonasan Alpren: Al HaNissim – March 12
Rabbi Yehonasan Alpren will speak at Anshe Emes at 4:30pm on March 12, Parshas Vayikra:
Rabbi Mordechai Becher – Getting Drunk and Giving Gifts: Chasidic Insights into Purim
Rabbi Mordechai Becher will be giving the mussar shiur on March 5 at 4:25pm Download the flyer.
Coming to Anshe Emes: Rabbi Avrohom Goldish, Rabbi Mordechai Becher, Rabbi Yonoson Alpren & Rabbi Y.Y. Rubenstein
Coming to Anshe Emes: 2/19 Rabbi Avrohom Goldish, 3/5 Rabbi Mordechai Becher, 3/12 Rabbi Yonoson Alpren & Shabbos HaGadol 4/16 Rabbi YY Rubenstein.