Shabbos Terumah
5:29pm Candlelighting
5:30pm Mincha / Maariv
7:00am Shacharis hashkama minyan
8:00am Gemara shiur w/Rav Summer
9:00am Shacharis 2nd minyan
Kiddish is sponsored by Mr & Mrs Anonymous
Mark Magid’s shiur (approx 20 mins after Kiddish)
4:40pm Rav Summers – Mussar Shiur
5:25pm Mincha
Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Rabbi & Mrs Prengler marking the yahrzeit of Rabbi Prengler’s mother.
6:39pm Shabbos Ends / Maariv
7:30pm Pizza Beis Medresh – Father/Son Learning
Mishloach Manos for Purim
If you can volunteer, please contact Rebbizen Summers or Lauren Mayesh. We can use your help! Please get your Mishloach Manos requests to the shul ASAP (today is the last day for getting your requests in)
Mark Magid – Megillas Esther (2:18-2:22)
• 2:18 Why were the states given a tax cut and gifts if the king was honoring Esther?
• 2:19 Why was there another gathering of young women if Esther was already chosen queen? What has Mordechai sitting at the gate go to do with anything?
• 2:21 Why were Bigsan and Seresh angry?
Kiddish Committee (KC) Payment Policy
Absent prior arrangements, Kiddush or Shalosh Seudah are provided only after funds are given directly to a member of the Kiddush Committee at least 3 days before the event.
Pesach Shiur with Rabbi Eidlitz
Scheduled for March 15th, Sunday evening, 7:30pm at the shul
Shmiras HaLashon Shiur
Motzei Shabbos, March 7 – The Shmiras HaLashon, the mitzvah of proper speech, Shiur is presented by Rabbi Avrohom Stulberger, principal of Valley Torah and Ner Aryeh High Schools and an expert on Shmiras Haloshon. The shiur will be held on Motzei Shabbos, March 7, at 8:00 p.m. at the Pines home, 9042 Larke Ellen Circle, Los Angeles. This shiur is given in memories of Chana Rochel bas Shaul, Miriam Schmidt-Pines’ mother, Leah Golda Bas Menachem Tzvi, Rabbi Stulberger’s mother, and Beilah Chayah Bas HaRav Shlomo Hershel Eliyahu Pines’ mother. Everyone is welcome!
Furnished room for rent
Seeking frum female. In Pico/Robertson, private bathroom, kitchen privileges. Non-Smoking. No pets. $700/month. (310) 838-2418