Parsha Re’eh I. Summary A. A blessing and a curse. Moshe told the Jews that they must choose between receiving Hashem’s blessing for observing His commandments or suffering His curse for rejecting His laws. A ceremony would be held on the mountains of Gerizim and Eival immediately after entering Israel, during which the consequences of […]
Weekly Parsha: Va’eschanan
Parsha Va’eschanan: Moshe is denied permission to enter Israel; Moshe appeals to the Jews to keep the mitzvos; Moshe designates three Orei Miklot (Cities of Refuge); the Ten Commandments; the Shema; remembering Hashem’s commandments.
Weekly Parsha: Devarim
Weekly Parsha – Devarim: Moshe Reviews The Events And Experiences During The Years In The Wilderness. Journey from Sinai; appointment of judges and administrators; the Meraglim (Spies), defeat of Sichon and Og, land of Gilad.
Weekly Parsha: Masei
Parsha Masei: Recounting of the travels from Egypt to the plains of Moav, division of the land, Cities of Refuge, inheritance rights.
Weekly Parsha: Matos
Parsha Matos: Vows to Hashem, attack on the Midianites, Reuven and Gad’s request.