Simchas Torah Pre-Auction Bids
The annual Anshe Emes Simchas Torah Auction for 5776 is just hours away!
What are you going to bid on? Chasan Torah? Chasan Bereshis?
Perhaps a special aliyah? Or the always sought-after Im Kol Hanaarim?
Our auction is always a fun and joyous time in shul, and we hope you’ll join us.
But here’s good news if you can’t be there. You can register your bid right here! If you’re in Pico-Robertson and you tell us where you’ll be at the time of the Aliyah, we’ll send a fleet-footed Emessary to fetch you in time! Or you can tell us in advance if you wish to designate a recipient.
Now you can support Anshe Emes and purchase a Simchas Torah Kibud at the same time!
You don’t need to be an Anshe Emes member.
Just complete the form below to place your bid, and good luck!
As always, the top winning bids always receive a special gift personally picked out by Rabbi Summers.