In 1948, Rabbi Allan Summers founded Anshe Emes with a singular vision to be a center of Torah life in the Pico-Robertson community. Anshe Emes has always been so much more than just a synagogue, and since our inception over 60 years ago, we’ve dramatically altered the face of the Los Angeles Jewish landscape. For more than a half-century as the world has changed around us, we have clung steadfastly to our mission– to build a community of families living Torah lives. From daily minyonim and shiurim to a renowned Talmud Torah, community programs to Bar Mitzvah lessons, adult education to Shabbos youth activities, Anshe Emes provides people of all ages and backgrounds a safe, nurturing and supportive environment to learn and grow, as individuals and as Jews.
The Next Chapter
During recent years, we have witnessed the miraculous rebirth of Anshe Emes, guided by the dynamic leadership of Rabbi Yitzchok and Rebbitzen Debbie Summers. A tidal wave of births, weddings and Bar/Bas Mitzvahs has left us bursting at the seams- and our present facilities simply no longer meet our needs. And we have so much more to do. Our mesorah (tradition) from the Ponovicher Rav (Rav Shlomo Kahaneman zt’l) is that Los Angeles is the last stop for Torah before Mashiach comes. With our new state-of-the-art building expected to open in July 2009, Anshe will continue to support the growth of the Los Angeles Torah community. It is only with visionaries such as yourselves that this can be accomplished. We thank you for your financial contribution to this Anshe Emes mission.
Discovering the Beauty of Torah True Judaism
For sixty years, Anshe Emes has provided a place for all Jews to come and discover the beauty of Torah true Judaism. Through our many services, classes and programs, we provide a unique setting for individuals to experience the richness and depth of our heritage and faith.
Jews from all backgrounds and levels of knowledge find Anshe Emes a comfortable place to grow in Judaism. Anshe Emes is a unique synagogue which empowers Jews to link into our tradition, our Torah and ultimately to our Creator. Please become a partner in our efforts to expand our contributions to our community and the Jewish people. Come become a partner in something eternal!