Join us for our End of Summer Picnic – September 18: 11am – 2pm. Photo gallery inside.
Tisha B’Av 5776
Tisha B’Av program info.
Shavuos 5776
Shavuos program info, all night learning, and first day kid’s ice cream and women’s shiur.
Women’s Pirke Avos Shiur – Shabbos Afternoons at 5pm
A women’s Pirke Avos shiur led by Rebbetzin Summers begins May 7 through August and will be held at 5pm Shabbos afternoons at Anshe Emes.
Los Angeles Community Biyur Chametz – Friday April 22
Anshe Emes hosts the Los Angeles Community Biyur Chametz from 7am – 11am, Friday April 22. In the city parking lot adjacent Bnai-David Judea.