Kashering Day: Thursday April 10 from 4pm to 7pm, shul members are invited to bring utensils that need kashering for Pesach.
Make Your Reservation, April 11-12, Shabbaton HaGadol with Rabbi Y. Y. Rubinstein
Ahhhh, Scotland in Pico-Robertson on Shabbos HaGadol. Enjoy Ditmas delights and wonderful Divrei Torah with Rabbi YY.
Rabbi Dovid Kaplan – Scholar In Residence – March 1
Join Anshe Emes for inspiring shiurim with Rabbi Dovid Kaplan on the theme of “Small Moves, Huge Results”
Rabbi Leib Kelemen – Scholar in Residence- Feb 21-22
Join Anshe Emes for four shiurim with Rabbi Leib Kelemen on Upgrading Our Relationships: Enhancing the Way We Relate as Spouses and Parents.
Rabbi Avraham Kosman of Slobodka Yeshiva – Shabbos Terumah
Join Anshe Emes for three “Slobodka” shiurim by Rabbi Avraham Kosman for Parshas Terumah.