Please remember Anshe Emes this Purim.
Rabbi Hillel Waxman – Parshas Parah – Parshas Ki Sisa
Join Anshe Emes for Parshas Ki Sisa on March 2 with Rabbi Hillel Waxman.
Save the Date, March 22-23, Shabbaton HaGadol with Rabbi Y. Y. Rubinstein
MEALS SOLD OUT! JOIN US FOR THE SHIURIM!!! Ahhhh, Scotland. Spend March 22-23, Shabbos Hagadol with Rabbi YY. Click for the schedule details and for online registration!
Reserve the Date, February 26 – Rabbi Eidlitz’ Pesach Products Review
Join Anshe Emes on Tuesday evening, February 26 at 7:30pm for an early bird’s view into Pesach products for this year.
Purim Schedule – 5773 / 2013
Get the full Taanis Esther and Purim Schedule.