Anshe Emes hosts the Los Angeles Community Biyur Chametz from 7am – 11am, Friday April 22. In the city parking lot adjacent Bnai-David Judea.
Clean for Pesach and Enjoy the Seder! Notes from HaRav Scheinberg, zt”l
Originally delivered 20 Adar II, 5749. Based on the responsa of HaRav Chaim P. Scheinberg, zt”l, Rosh Yeshiva Torah Ore to questions posed by women attending his regular chizuk talks. (Footnotes to the original in Hebrew have been omitted.)
Purim Schedule
Get the flyer for 5776’s Purim schedule.
Chanukah Party – Sunday December 13 – 2pm-4pm
Join us on Sunday from 2-4 for fun, games, magic and yummy nosh as Anshe Emes finishes Chanukah on a high note.
Project Ushpizin 5776
Welcome to Anshe Emes’ “Project Ushpizin” where we will try to facilitate matching up Anshe Emes hosts with members and guests for Sukkot meals.