Parsha Shlach: The spies, Moshe’s intercession, the Sabbath violator.
Weekly Parsha: Beha’alosecha
Parsha Beha’alosecha: The Menorah/Consecration of the Levi’im; The First Pesach; The Israelite’s March; The Israelites Complain/The 70 Elders; Miriam Is Punished With Tzaaras.
Weekly Parsha: Bamidbar
BAMIDBAR I. Summary A. A Census Is Taken. During the second year after the Exodus, Hashem commanded Moshe and Aaron to conduct a census of male Israelites ages 20-60 (i.e., who were liable for military service). The census revealed 603,550 such men (Levites were excluded because of their special duties in connection with the Mishkon […]
Weekly Parsha: Naso
Parsha Naso: The Duties of the Levite Families, Purification of the Camps, Wrongfully keeping another’s property, Sotah, Nazir & the Priestly Blessing.
Weekly Parsha: Bechukosai
The Book of Vayikrah concludes with Moshe contrasting the different responses that will follow the Jews’ obedience or defiance of Hashem’s commandments. Obedience will lead to peace and prosperity; abundant crops; and protection from our enemies. Defiance will lead to (among other things, and in stages of increasing severity): plagues; enemy sieges; and national exile. However, if the Jews repent, Hashem promises to once again remember His covenant with the Patriarchs and accept us once again as His people.