Shabbos Bamidbar (Shabbos M’Varchim)
6:12pm Mincha (please be on time!)
7:34pm Candlelighting
7:35pm Mincha
7:00am Hashkama minyan
8:00am Gemara shiur w/Rav Summers
9:00am Shacharis 2nd minyan (last shma at 9:19am)
Kiddush is UNSPONSORED. Your Kiddush Committee donation is appreciated.
Mark Magid’s shiur (approx 20 mins after conclusion of 2nd Shacharis)
4:30pm Women’s Pirkei Avos Shiur at the Summers’ home – This week at the home of Sarah & Charlie Kaufman – 1445 S. Durango Ave.
6:45pm Mussar Shiur w/Rav Summers (this week starting ‘Bitachon’ in Orchos Tzaddikim)
7:30pm Mincha
Seudah Shlishit sponsored by the Kiddish Committee..
8:44pm Shabbos Ends / Maariv
Pittsburger Rebbe
The Rebbe will be at Anshe Emes for this Shabbos, Parsha Bamidbar.
There will be a Tish at the shul Friday night, 8:45pm
The Rebbe will be receiving people Motzei Shabbos at the shul
Mark Magid – Bullet Points – Sefer Yonah (4:7-8)
• 4:7 Why did Hashem destroy the kikaon plant?
• 4:7 How are we to understand the word “Vayeman/And He Designated,” which appears four times in Sefer Yonah?
• 4:8 Why did Yonah ask to die, just because it was too hot?
Planning a Bar Mitzvah in the shul this coming year?
Please email me ( with Shabbos Parsha so we can update the shul’s calendar to reflect the upcoming Simcha!
Gradutation Kiddish
A kiddush to honor this year’s graduates is in the works!
Tentative date: June 20 (Parshas Shelach), or June 27 (Parshas Korach). If you have a graduate (or are a graduate) and would like to be on the Anshe Emes “Honor Roll,” please contact Rachel Bainbridge at 310 276 0931 or All graduates welcome: high school, 8th grade, kindergarten, college, seminary, law school, etc. Sponsorship in the kiddush is not required, but is very much appreciated!
Kiddish Committee (KC) Payment Policies
• Unsponsored Kiddushim and Seudah Shlishit are on hiatus until further notice
• Absent prior arrangements, Kiddush or Shalosh Seudah are provided only after funds are given directly to a member of the Kiddush Committee at least 3 days before the event.
We are gearing up for the bocherim from Chofetz Chaim again this summer for the SEED program at Anshe Emes.
Their airline tickets have been purchased! If you are able to help sponsor the program this year, please see me (Rob Kershberg) or Rav Summers. We would appreciate it!
Amsters looking for help
Meira and Zeev Amster are looking for cleaning help on Fridays. If anyone has any leads, they can call Meira at 626-695-2466.