Shabbos Beha’aloscha
Baruch HaBaim To Rabbis Stulberger and Weiner and the bocherim from Ner Aryeh this Shabbos
6:23pm Mincha (Please be on time!)
7:46pm Candlelighting
7:50pm Mincha
7:00am Shacharis Hashkama minyan
8:00am Rav Summers Gemara shiur
9:00am Shacharis – Rabbi Yochanan Weiner will be speaking at Shacharis
Kiddish sponsored by Danny and Miriam Krombach marking their 20th Anniversary (MAZEL TOV!)
Mark Magid Shiur approx 20 mins after Kiddish
4:30pm Women’s Pirkei Avos shiur at the Summers’ home – 1453 So Durango
6:55pm Mussar Shiur w/Rav Summers
7:40pm Mincha
Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Anshe Emes in honor of the Rabbaim and Bocherim from Ner Aryeh
Rabbi Avrohom Stulberger will be speaking at Seudah Shlishit
8:56pm Shabbos Ends
Mark Magid Shiur – Beha’aloscha
• Why does the Torah connect the parsha of the Nesiim with the parsha of the Menora?
• How many times was the korban Pesach brought in the midbar and why?
• Why wasn’t the mitzvah of Pesach Sheni given at Har Sinai
Mussar HaTorah – Torah insights into human nature from the weekly parasha (PDF linked)
Based on the talks of Rabbi A. Henach Leibowitz zt”l (Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim – RSA) and dedicated in his memory.
Planning a Bar Mitzvah in the shul this coming year?
Please email me ( with Shabbos Parsha so we can update the shul’s calendar to reflect the upcoming Simcha! (Thank you to those who have already emailed me!)
Ohr Eliyahu Banquet
Please come out and enjoy an evening of inspiration, featuring world reknowned speaker Rabbi Paysach Krohn on June 18th at 7pm. Rabbi Krohn will be speaking about the midda of ‘bitachon’ at the MARK on Pico blvd. Light hors d’ouevres and dessert will be served. Proceeds to benefit Ohr Eliyahu. For more information and to make reservations, please call the school at 310-559-3330, ext 204.
Graduation Kiddish
The Graduates Kiddush is NEXT SHABBOS, June 20, Parshas Shelach, IY”H
We want to acknowledge all of our graduates on the Anshe Emes “Honor Roll”! If you haven’t already given us your graduate’s name(s), please contact Rachel Bainbridge at 310 276 0931 or All graduates welcome: high school, 8th grade, kindergarten, college, seminary, law school, etc. Sponsorship in the kiddush is not required, but is very much appreciated!
Pushka Notice:
All tzedaka monies will no longer be stored on the premises. Pushka’s will be put out in the morning and mincha/maariv and cleared out, and stored off the premises each night.
Summer Rental Available:
1 bedroom 1 bathroom furnished apartment
July 1st to the end of August great rent one block from Pico and Robertson.
Please call 310-980-1029
Kiddish Committee (KC) Payment Policies
Absent prior arrangements, Kiddush or Shalosh Seudah are provided only after funds are given directly to a member of the Kiddush Committee at least 3 days before the event.
We are gearing up for the bocherim from Chofetz Chaim again this summer for the SEED program at Anshe Emes. The bocherim will be at Anshe Emes from July 23rd through August 8th (learning times to be published soon!) Their airline tickets have been purchased! If you are able to help sponsor the program this year, please see me (Rob Kershberg) or Rav Summers. We would appreciate it!