May 2, 2011
To our dear friends
who pursue tzedaka and chesed
and who are pillars of our holy institutions,
We take pleasure in informing you that the Pittsburgher Rebbe, shlita will be visiting the Los Angeles area from May 17 – 31.
During the visit, the Rebbe, shlita will personally receive visitors and bestow blessings and advice. He will meet with rabbonim, community leaders, and supporters of his institutions. In addition to delivering several lectures, he will work on behalf of his distinguished institutions in Israel which educate close to 600 students and whose annual budget is $2 million dollars.
We are pleased to announce that in a few weeks we will celebrate the beginning of the long-awaited construction of our new yeshiva ketana building, which will cost $2,500,000.
The blessed expansion of Pittsburgh institutions is only possible because of dedicated partners and friends like you. You endow the Rebbe with the ability to continue his important work on behalf of Jewish children, the Jewish people, and Eretz Yisroel.
The Rebbe will be in the Pico-Robertson area on May 17-18 and will receive visitors in the Anshe Emes Beis Midrash.
Fairfax – La Brea
The Rebbe will be in the Fairfax-La Brea area between May 19-26 at the home of our friends and the distinguished parnessim of our institutions,Rav and Mrs. Rafi Katz, 201 S. McCadden Pl.
The Rebbe will receive visitors in their home.
Valley Village
The Rebbe will be in Valley Village between May 27-31. Between May 29-31, the Rebbewill receive visitors at the Shaarey Zedek Congregation and Beis Medrash Toras Hashem.
To make an appointment and for other details, call 323-422-4291.
We would be pleased to see you there.
In appreciation, and with Torah blessings,
The Friends of the Pittsburgh Institutions
411 N. Citrus Ave.
Los Angeles CA, 90036