Rabbi Dovid Schwartz of the Jewish Heritage Center will be speaking about
The Plagues: Bridge from Creation to Revelation
Shabbos Afternoon January 16 at 3:45pm, Parshas Va’era.
Rabbi Dovid Schwartz, a Los Angeles native, is a Senior Lecturer at the Jewish Heritage Center of Queens and Long Island. Founded twenty three years ago, The JHC is one of the most respected and effective Kiruv-Outreach Centers in North America. He taught at several Mesivtos before joining the rabbinical staff of the JHC in 1995 where he currently serves as Associate Director.
Rabbi Schwartz has taught popular lecture series for the JHC to a wide array of students onsite, at Chugei Bayit and on University campus’ covering topics ranging from Basics of Judaism to Minchas Chinuch Shiurim. He has guest lectured extensively at Shuls, Kiruv organizations and Kollelim across the USA and Canada.
He studied at the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem, and at Mesivta Rabbi Chaim Berlin-Kollel Gur Aryeh. Absorbing approaches from the eclectic schools of Machsheves Yisroel elucidated by great twentieth Century Torah personalities Rabbi Schwartz’s presentations are known for their depth, wit, clarity and humor.