Parsha Tetzaveh: Aharon & His Sons Are Chosen As Kohanim; Confirmation of Aharon & Sons; Kohanim’s Obligations.
Weekly Parsha: Yisro
Parsha Yisro: Yisro comes from Midian; Preparations for Receiving Torah; The 10 Commandments; Hashem speaks to the people through Moshe. Divrei Torah
Weekly Parsha: B’Shallach
Parshas B’Shallach: Jews Leave Egypt; Splitting of The Red Sea; Waters of Marah; Manna From Heaven; Jews Again Complain About The Lack Of Water; Amalek Attacks The Jews. Divrei Torah
Weekly Parsha: Bo
Parsha Bo: Locusts; Darkness; Pesach Offering and Holiday; Death of the Egyptian Firstborn; The Jews Leave Egypt. Divrei Torah
Weekly Parsha: Miketz
Yoseph Interprets Pharaoh’s Dreams. Yoseph Is Appointed Viceroy. Yoseph’s Brothers Come To Egypt To Buy Food. The Other Brothers Return to Yaakov. The Brothers Return With Binyomin To Egypt.