Yoseph (Joseph) Arouses His Brothers’ Jealousy. Yoseph Is Sold Into Slavery. Yehudah & Tamar. Yoseph In Potiphar’s House. Yoseph Interprets The Butler’s and Baker’s Dreams.
Weekly Parsha: Vayishlach
Weekly Parsha – Vayishlach: Yaakov prepares to meet Esav; Yaakov Wrestles With An Angel; Yaakov & Esav Meet; Shechem; Yaakov Returned to Beth-El; Death of Rachel; Yaakov Reaches Chevron
Weekly Parsha: Vayetze
Weekly Parsha – Vayetze: Yaakov’s dream; Yaakov at the well; Yaakov marries Leah and Rachel;Yaakov’s sons, the 12 Tribes; Yaakov leaves Lavan.
Weekly Parsha: Vayeira
Weekly Parsha: Vayeira. Abraham Is Visited By Three Angels; The Promise of Yitzchak; Abraham Intercedes On Behalf of S’Dome and Amorah; The Angels Arrive in S’Dome; Lot and his Family Leave S’Dome; The Cities Are Destroyed; Abraham and Sarah Travel to Gerar; Yitzchak is born; Hagar & Yishmael are sent away; The Akeidah
Weekly Parsha: Bereshis
Weekly Parsha – Bereshis: The Torah begins by stating that in the beginning Hashem created from nothingness the heaven and earth.