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Rabbi Goldberg, Parts 1 & 2:
Rabbi Gradon:
Rabbi Bursztyn: (Note: there were battery problems and there were recordings from a tablet and a cellphone. We will try to splice them together later into one.)
Previous years: 5775/2015 | 5773/2013 | 5772/2012 | 5771/2011 | 5770/2010 (audio-only) | 5769/2009 (audio-only)
Halachos of Tisha B’Av which is on Shabbos/Sunday
By Rabbi Y. Summers
Due to the fact that this year, Tisha B’Av falls out on Shabbos, there are differences in halacha and the way we conduct ourselves this year as opposed to when Tisha B’Av occurs during the week.
The first and most obvious is , that we do not fast on Shabbos (except if Yom Kippur is on Shabbos). Therefore the fast is delayed until Saturday night Sunday.
But this brings up a number of issues. Since Shabbos is Tisha B’Av are there any ramifications for Shabbos? Though there are some opinions that say that we do not wear our regular Shabbos clothes, the custom is that we do wear our regular Shabbos clothes. We eat meat and can drink wine, even till the last moments , before sunset. One should should not learn things that we normally learn since Torah brings us simcha . Though some are lenient and say one can learn what one usually learns. The only issue is relations between a husband and wife on this Shabbos. In addition, one should not go on pleasure walks on this Shabbos. One is not allowed to do anything on Shabbos to prepare for the fast (which comes later for this would be considered “ha’chana” preparing on Shabbos for after Shabbos).
We will daven mincha earlier than usual {6:00 pm) in order to allow time for shalosh seudos before sunset. We stop eating and drinking at sunset, 8:02 pm, and Shabbos ends 8:55 pm . At that time one should recite “Boruch HaMavdil bain Kodesh L’Chol” which officially ends Shabbos. We do not make havdala due to the fact that we can not drink wine due to the fast. After reciting “Boruch HaMavdil” change into “Tisha B’Av shoes” , non- leather (this is not simple since some “Tennis shoes “ contain leather or are partially leather). We will start Maariv later than usual to accommodate this and coming to Shul, 9:05.
Before Eicha is recited Motzai Shabbos a havdala candle will be lit and we will recite the bracha over the light which we normally do in the course of havdala (women should listen to a man’s bracha and answer Amen and have in mind to fulfill the obligation with the man’s reciting of the bracha).
As with a ‘regular” Tisha B’Av we diminish the pleasure of sleeping on Saturday night so if , for example, one normally sleeps with two pillows, use one this night . All the regular halachos of Tisha B’Av apply.
Sunday the regular laws of Tisha B’Av apply. If one was given permission not to fast , they should recite havdala (not using wine or grape juice) before they eat.
When the fast concludes , 8:47 pm , we then say havdala , which consists of the bracha over wine or grape juice and the bracha “Boruch HaMavdil”. Sunday night one should not eat meat or drink wine (except for Havdala), all other restrictions are lifted right after the fast.