Anshe Emes is now on WhatsApp!
This group will be used by the shul instead of the many mid-week updates (MWU) that have been going out. MWUs will continue going out as usual for now, and another email will be sent when they will be stopping.
Some things that will be sent out through WhatsApp, and not via MWUs, include:
- MWUs that are not about any of the items listed below
- Last minute changes to the schedule
Things that will continue to be sent out through both MWU emails and WhatsApp, include:
- Monthly Calendars
- Mazal Tovs
- Condolences
The Erev Shabbos and Yom Tov Emessaries will be sent out via both email and WhatsApp. Additional flyers that sometimes accompany emailed Emessaries will not be posted in WhatsApp.
If you’d like to join the group, please contact 609-200-0030 via WhatsApp. All requests to join must be approved.
Posts to the Anshe Emes WhatsApp group are limited to Admins of the group only. This is not a discussion group. It is an announcements group. If you have a question about what was posted, please reply privately to the admin who posted it.